moula-moula sahara algérien

Terres Touareg

The Moula Moula: the Tuareg’s lucky bird

In the vast expanses of the Algerian Sahara, the Moula Moula, or white-headed traquet, is much more than just a bird. Considered a lucky charm by the Tuareg people,
It accompanies travellers across the Tassili n’Ajjer and the desert plains. With its many legends and an emblematic song*, this bird embodies the life and spirituality of the Tuareg tribes.
Discover its characteristics, its habitat and its symbolic role in Saharan culture.

The Moula Moula: an emblematic bird of the Sahara

Characteristics of the white-headed traquet

The white-headed traquet, known as the Moula Moula, is a large black bird with a white rump. Males have a distinctive white head, while juveniles and females have an entirely black or dark brown head. As an adult, it measures between 17 and 18.5 cm.

Its natural habitat

The Moula Moula lives in remote areas such as :

  • Stony plains
  • Mountain deserts
  • Wadis, gorges and near oases

It is found in the Maghreb, the Middle East and the Sinai and Saudi Arabian deserts, often at altitudes of up to 3,000 metres.

Food and behaviour


The White-headed Wheatear feeds mainly on :

  • Insects
  • Plants
  • Small reptiles

This bird often hunts under an acacia tree, observing its prey from a distance of up to 10 metres.

A unique behaviour

Generally shy and solitary, the Moula Moula keeps its distance from humans. However, it can become confident when it moves close to dwellings. Its melodious song is distinguished by imitations of other birds and even mammals.

Breeding cycle

The Moula Moula’s breeding season runs from February to May. Young traquets can reproduce from the age of one year. The nest, built in rocks or on wadi banks, is made of dry grass, wool and twigs.

  • Number of eggs laid: between 3 and 5
  • Incubation period: 14 days, carried out solely by the female

The Moula Moula in Tuareg culture

A symbol of life and spirituality

The Moula Moula is the fetish bird of the Tuareg, and is the subject of numerous legends. It symbolises life, guides travellers and inspires a famous song entitled Moula Moula du Ténéré. This song evokes the landscapes of the Tassili n’Ajjer, the dunes of Tin Merzouga, and the traditions of the Tuareg people.

*Magnificent song in homage to the Moula Moula sung by the Tuareg people.

“Je m’appelle Moula Moula
Je conduis les voyageurs
Je suis l’oiseau du Sahara
Qui aide à libérer les cœurs

Vous traverserez avec moi
Les dunes de trois couleurs
La dune de Tin Merzouga
Qui chante pour soulager les pleurs

Moula Moula du Ténéré. Anmahal n tenere. Moula Moula du Ténéré. Moula Moula du Ténéré

Les montagnes seront vous charmer
Par leurs magiques splendeurs
Et nos pierres viendront vous parler
Des étoiles qui donnent le bonheur

Vous verrez encore avec moi
Les yeux remplis de chaleur
Le grand manteau de la Tadrart
La rose de Jéricho en fleur 

Moula Moula du Ténéré

Je suis l’oiseau du Sahara
Je conduis les voyageurs
Mon nom est bien Moula Moula
Je voudrais libérer vos cœurs

Mes frères animaux du désert
Sont des sages dans leurs demeures
Qui disent aux hommes de la Terre
De libérer le créateur

Moula Moula du Ténéré

En m’envolant dans le ciel pur
J’indiquerai le chemin
De nos trésors, de nos peintures
Où les ancêtres parlent enfin

À nos oreilles parlons tout bas
De la force de la vie
Ils nous apprendront InSha’Allah
Que le respect n’a pas de prix

Moula Moula du Ténéré

En m’envolant dans le ciel pur
Je guiderai votre monde
Vers nos trésors, vers nos peintures
Où les ancêtres parlent enfin

À nos oreilles parlons tout bas
De la force de la vie
Ils nous apprendront InSha’Allah
Que le respect n’a pas de prix”